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Desktop App – Conference Call – How to Guide

The steps below will show you how to perform a conference call by joining another person into your current phone call using the CoreNexa app on your desktop computer.

A conference call, also known as “3-Way” call can be accomplished by following the below steps.  Please note that you can only add 1 additional caller to an existing phone call session PER PHONE.

  1. With your current phone call in session, hover to the upper right hand corner and look for a phone symbol with a + in it.  
  2. Click on the button.
  3. Now you must dial the number you wish to add to your existing call by dialing the extension and then selecting “Add Call”.
  4. Wait for the person to pick up.  Once the call is picked up, you will see a blue +1 button on the upper right hand screen.  Click on that button.
  5. Now select the select the “MERGE CALL” option once more to merge all calls.

The video below will demonstrate how to perform the attended transfer.

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